Here are the long awaited pictures of our latest discussion of The Good Earth. I'll have to post the numbers later since my kid took the car with my purse in it! ;)
Our discussion was held at Mary's house. Wasn't the table set beautifully??
This dessert was Good Earth! Yummy
These were Red Eggs ~ Pickled eggs. They were delicious!
And here is a picture of the wonderful man who parked our cars so we wouldn't have to walk in the snow and mud. Thanks Randall!!
The theme of the month was chinese and we had some delicious food and, of course, GREAT discussions about the book and SO MANY other things.
The book for our April 17 meeting is The Quilter's Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini. This is under the Wisconsin Author category. It will be a dessert discussion at Jan's house, so just read the book and come enjoy the food, discussion and chick friends!