Friday, July 16, 2010

Where is everyone anyway?

Alright... so several of us met last night and shared our opinions about what we think is and isn't working with Book Club. Although people still talk about book club and appear interested, attendance has been low. Could be a fluke, maybe life's just getting in the way. But if it's not, we want to know about it. If a lot of people are experiencing the same issue... let's fix it. But first, we've got to communicate.

So...... check out the poll questions over here ----------------->

A few things to note first:
  • Genres - this is when we have a different genre of literature each month.
  • Online voting - the method we've used the past year, with each person taking a turn recommending three books, then members vote for the winner.
  • Committee Selected - the committee would select the books for each month, with recommendations coming in from everyone. This method was used the first year.
  • Meals - it's been noted that sometimes our themes can make the potluck dinners difficult to plan for. We're going to ease this burden by simplifying the themes. It'll make it easier, more fun, and we still get to eat!
  • RSVPing - Let's face it, we're not great at this. But we need to make a commitment to be better this year. We owe it to our hostesses.

Last night we all talked about some of our favorite books, past and present. And there was such a great selection, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make some selections for upcoming months. Not only will this give you a chance to experience the method of "committee selection", but it will give you more time to find good deals if you like to purchase your books. See the post below for book selections and themes for August through December!

You have through the end of July to answer the poll questions. And remember, if you need or want to elaborate on an answer, or maybe we just didn't address your issue, you can always post a comment right here on the blog!

Above all, we want to make this book club FUN for everyone!


Tami said...

Thanks for doing such a great job w/ the blog, Teri, and for hosting a BUNCH of our meetings this past yr ! I hope that members take advantage of the opportunity to express their opinions, likes, dislikes, and add comments - Also please keep inviting new friends to join us ! Our diversity is one of the things that makes us so great ! OH !!! Teri did you want to make a reminder that the MEAL HOSTESSES are not responsible for providing any food- just drinks ?-- AND that MEETING HOSTESSES aren't responsible for treats ? or are they ? :)

Teri said...

Yeah, I think we're going to say that the Hostess will only be responsible for drinks, regardless of if it's a dinner or dessert.

The monthly invite email will make it clear. I'm going to try to come up with something so that we can sign up for main dish/side/etc. Hopefully that will make the dinner planning a bit more smooth.

(And thanks Tami... you're a sweetie! I'm glad you could make it last night.)

Mary A. said... book club and gatherings. My thing is that I do not like to purchase a book unless I LOVE it. Some books this past year (and a few books I see for this fall) I have tried to get through the library and because of their popularity I'm put on hold (like 43 out of 46!!!) I wait it out and then if it doesn't happen I don't take the time to purchase it or time has run out. I suppose we do need more time to know what the book selections are -- or else stick to "classics". Usually lots of copies of them. Yeah!! "Wuthering Heights" :)

Ann Hippensteel said...

Hello Teri and all,

I have been out of commission as regards 3rd Thurs Book Club, but plan to be back in October.

Your blog is excellent - very informative and appealing. And your commitment to the book group is much appreciated. Don't burn out!

Thanks for keeping me on the email list so that I could get reaquainted.

Ann Hippensteel